Thursday, November 29, 2007

Rock rolling

The following 3 photos are of our current 'rock rolling' project - in the 3rd one, you can see a local 'taxi' for the workers coming down from the farm behind the rocks waiting to get rolled into place.

Honest, the truck in the background really is a taxi for farm workers.

These are some of the last rocks waiting to be 'rolled' ... believe it or not, they look better than the ones pictured above did prior to getting put into place.
& lastly, Paul found this caterpillar hauling around a leaf to duck into in case of danger ... at first, we thought it was trying to make a cocoon.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Indoor projects

My favorite indoor project is my new pot rack ... we looked all over for a pot rack, but only found the scrawniest things, then we found some heavy duty commercial shelving units & inspiration hit ....

The phrase 'you get what you pay for' proved itself correct, again, when we purchased cheap ceiling fans in an effort to make our builder happy about the budget.... The fans look okay, but their blades kept growing a nasty mold -

You can see it better here -

Solved the problem by having pressure treated lumber resawn into thin slabs, then fitted into blades.

And here you see the finished product - I like it much better than the original and think these blades fit in with my 'rustic' theme much better.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Other 'babies' in our neighborhood.

The young gentleman on your right is Carlos, he's Victor's son - we introduced you to Victor, last year. When we need a hand with the yard, Victor is the first person we think to call. Really nice person, and very knowledgeable about plants and rocks.

The girl on your left is Macareahna .... don't know if I spelled that right. She's Carlos' cousin and she giggles a lot.

Carlos also has a baby sister - Myrna was born near Christmas, last year, so I think she's about 11 months, now.... IF you ever visit Panama's mountains and see a Ngobe Bugle * woman with the strap of a woven bag over her forehead, you now know one thing she might be carrying in her bag:

* The Ngobe Bugle are one of the seven tribes of indigenous peoples in Panama, and all the ones we've met have been short, but strong. We enjoy having them for neighbors.