I must admit that one thing I love to do is find a forlorn plant in a drainage ditch, snatch it and give it a nice home in my garden ... can find some amazing things in those ditches - last year, I found what I thought would be a 'red bird beak' and brought it home ... leaves were correct, but the flowers are saying that they're some sort of cousin:
& you can see that the flowers are just starting to open:
I couldn't be more pleased with that find.
Now, the following plant volunteered - ie, planted itself:
I mean, seriously, no one thinks I shinnied up that tree to plant that rascal, so you?!
AND (drum roll, please) one of that volunteer's cousins - a pineapple top I actually did plant - is getting ready to provide a pineapple!
It's turning into an inhospitable rascal, though ... captured a dead leaf from a nearby tree weeks ago and no one has had the nerve to argue with those sword-like leaves.
Lastly, six days ago, when the dead leaves were getting whacked off our bananas (they do look quite shabby if one doesn't do this) a resident was discovered .... thus, one dead leaf is still there, so this tree frog will feel safe...
Actually, that little fella (or gal) sparked quite a spat of e-mails, with our grandson wanting it for a pet (I suspect it would be too loud for a deaf person to keep in the house!) and our grand daughter wanting to grow a banana tree in North Carolina .... terribly disappointing to learn that's not a viable option.