Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The project continues...

As I warned weeks ago, once the walls are done, photos of a construction project tend to be boring and it seems like progress takes forever. That said, if you look closely, you can see that the crew is making excellent progress on the stucco both inside and out:

I spared you a photo of the wires protruding from the outlet and switch boxes, but the electrical should be done shortly - then, all we need is for our turn to get to the top of the electric company's 'install list'& they install poles ... if they take too long, Paul is talking about designing a 'wheel' to use the creek to generate electricity. He'd probably do that just for the fun of it.

That photo below isn't much more exciting than electrical wires - Paul was making certain his cooktop fit the counter correctly - and it did.

Carlos tells me that we need to pick our lights, etc. Hopefully, something will 'catch my eye'.

When we started the project, I'd assumed we'd install recessed lights, as we did in our previous house, but that's not possible with this roof design, so I get a mental blank when this topic comes up. Paul believes track lights will go well with this ceiling and since there are some really nice ones of those, I'm sure we'll come up with something that is both attractive and functional.

Right now seems to be a transition season: it's not windy every day, but it isn't rainy, either. Thus, Paul devised a sprinkler head for his pump and keeps moving it around to check the drainage of various parts of the yard. Looks kinda cute on top of 'table rock' doesn't it?