Sunday, July 22, 2007

Landscaping by Bobcat (& Tommy, too)

"Itty-bitty" orchid of the week (and this isn't the smallest one in the yard!).
Started out with this:
Hind sight being 20-20, we would have held off on starting the construction of the house until after Tommy leveled the building site, but we assumed that the contract covering the house included that. It didn't. As people say, "This isn't Kansas any more."

And the certainly translate 'turn key home' differently, but that's another story.

Regardless, we're now working on getting the land leveled and will eventually start planting. We've been held up as we waited for Tommy and the Bobcat to have time for our project - they are the ONLY ones I'd ever trust to work in my yard, especially now that there is a house with eaves to dodge.

After 2 days of Tommy and Bobcay zipping around with loads of dirt and rock, I can honestly say that not a leaf was harmed on anything we'd planted and the house is totally intact. even though they were literally working within inches of the eaves and walls for quite a bit of the project.

Didn't even bother this bee:
& finished (except for hand work) project: