Sunday, September 23, 2007

Babies of the neighborhood ...

I was quite startled to glance out the window to my back yard and see this baby hummingbird sitting on the sill ... was even more amazed when it stayed long enough for Paul to take its photo:
In fact, the little thing stayed so long I wondered what was wrong with it... Paul asked if it had flown into the window and cuncussed itself... no, it hadn't... I went outside to work and even though I'd opened the screen door next to it, it STILL didn't move ... however, once we got outside, we realized the little thing was mesmerized by its own reflection.

This is Paul's favorite photo of the baby deer because the spots are visible... Did I previously mention that he's discovered this little guy's mom eats banana peals like they're candy?
Strangely enough, prior to living in Panama, neither Paul nor I realized that anything other than fruit flies ate banana peals, but since being here we've seen many animals who think they're high on the 'treat' list.