Wednesday, April 18, 2007

During the past ten days....

While we made a trip to Panama City for business, the crew kept busy finishing the final roof system, which is over the living room. As you can see, they've also made progress applying the interior stucco to the walls:

This gives you a better look at the rafters above the living room - eventually we'll hang a large ceiling fan from the center:

Obviously, part of the crew was busy applying stucco to the exterior walls, too:

And Raul built the former and poured the other kitchen counter - the sink will go in by the yellow thing and the gas cooktop will go where Raul left the cut-out on the new counter ... the gap between the end of the counter and the doorway to the garage will be where the refrigerator goes:

Since the new section of roof was nearing completion on the exterior, too, Paul went up to inspect... If you look close, you can see that the crew has already begun hangind eaves troughs on the upper / living room roof: