Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Around our area ....

A local stone mason carves statues out of solid rock. He makes things to custom order as well as copy ancient designs:

IMO (in my opinion) his work is far superior to things I've seen at Pier 1.

And this palace is the house to the west of our lot... can not understand why it's uninhabited -

This is what the plants look like in the wild -
These wild orchids are my favorite -

This is one of my favorite neighbors - I call her Linda, which is Spanish for pretty:

And this is the house to our east ... it's inhabited, but I suspect that it will soon be sold to another gringo & whoever buys it will have a lovely bonfire - this assumes that the Ngobe who lives these doesn't burn it down himself ... I've seen smoke billowing out of the cracks more than once: